- Good Corporate Governance
- Whistleblowing System
Promoting Transparency and Accountability
MMP has implemented a Whistleblowing System (WBS) to prevent fraud and to ensure compliance with the company's policies, procedures, code of conduct, and values. The WBS allows employees and others to report suspected misconduct or illegal activity without fear of retaliation.
Whistleblowing Mechanism
- MMP employees can submit reports on alleged violations of the Code of Conduct to MMP in person, by mail, or by email.
- Whistleblowers must state their identity, but their identity will be kept confidential in principle.
- Whistleblowers are entitled to protection, including administrative immunity.
- Reports must not discriminate against certain ethnicities, races, religions, or groups. They must also not be defamatory, contain personal complaints, or be out of line with MMP's Code of Conduct.
- Whistleblowers will not be penalized for their whistleblowing, unless they are proven involved in the violations or the report is proven defamatory.
- The GCG Compliance Team will process any reports based on the principle of presumption of innocence.
Whistleblowing Protection
MMP guarantees the confidentiality of both whistleblowers' identity and the contents of their report. This is to protect them and their family from retaliation by the reported parties. MMP also provides legal protection to whistleblowers and their family in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.
Whistleblowing Management
MMP is open to any criticism and feedback, as well as any reports related to alleged violations. All incoming whistleblowing reports will be processed and reviewed by the relevant parties. Whistleblowers can also submit their reports directly to the Board of Directors or MMP's key management so that the investigation process can be conducted immediately.
Whistleblowing Management Teams
Teams assigned for managing reports received through WBS channels are as follows:
- The GCG Compliance Team is responsible for receiving and following up on reports related to violations and/or deviations against the Code of Conduct.
- The Fact Finding Team is an ad hoc team that is established based on the GCG Compliance Team's recommendation. The Fact Finding Team seeks and investigates indications of deviations against the Code of Conduct.
- The Honorary Employees Assembly consists of officials and/or employees of MMP who are authorized to launch investigations on the reported employees or those suspected of violating the Code of Conduct.