Privacy Policy

At PT Mega Manunggal Property Tbk (MMP) ("MMP"), safeguarding your privacy is our priority. We adhere to the privacy laws and regulations in all jurisdictions of operation.

We communicate this policy to our employees and stakeholders, emphasizing compliance with our privacy standards.

We collect only necessary personal information through lawful, fair, and non-invasive means for legitimate business purposes.

Sensitive information is obtained with consent and is never disclosed to unrelated third parties, except as required by law or with explicit consent.

We securely dispose of or de-identify personal information when no longer needed or as mandated by law.

Access to personal information is restricted to authorized personnel who commit to confidentiality.

We ensure personal information remains accurate, up-to-date, and complete.

Individuals can request access to their personal information in most cases.

Our Privacy Statement and related procedures are periodically reviewed and updated to stay relevant.

MMP values and protects individual privacy. This policy guarantees proper and confidential handling of all personal information in our possession.